Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lanz. He continues to make his presence known by the constant kicking I feel morning, noon and night. Approaching 33 weeks on Friday, I feel this little dude is crammed in there so tight, he's fighting (kickboxing style) his way out. Hip and back pains have started to set in again, but I can't help but smile through the jabs, knowing that in 7 weeks, we are gonna meet Lanz Andrew. (I won't go more than a week over, so 8 MAX).

I had my 2nd shower this weekend, well, Baby Bash, thrown by my mom and sister Niki. There was a huge turn out of family and friends and it was so fun. Great food, drinks, music, beautiful gifts- a celebration of a new life that is about to begin. Drew was able to fly home (it was his weekend to be home, coincidentally) which was great. It went way too fast, I won't lie. But I really tried to savor each moment we had together as it's such a special time/new chapter for us both. Saying good bye on Monday morning was so tough, not just because I won't see him for two weeks, but the timing of it all. I say this every single time I write a post, but thank GOD for skype! We log on and see eachother every night, so it's fun!

I feel I have to multi-task to the ninth degree with Drew gone---make my list and check off one "things to do for the baby" task each day. Like returning multiples from my gift registry, tracking what we still need, etc. In addition to that, man, you never really realize all the help your spouse gives you until they are MIA and you have to do it ALL! LOL. All the work Drew does with the house, the yard, the dogs, the bills--I want to yell, COME BACK MASTER Drew! I laugh, cause some days I just straight up decide certain things aren't gonna get done. And they don't. I am still working out 5 days a week, but today, while working my fitness on the eliptical---somewhere near minute 2o, I felt some pains in the lower belly. Yeah, things are getting a little more uncomfortable, but I guess, with 7 weeks left to go, I might have to slow down a bit and just walk & do weights. LOL. For those of you that know me well, there was a time last year I was working out 4 hours a day doing cycling, kickboxing, etc. I miss my hardcore workouts, but I know it's all for a good reason. I am happy to have stayed so active for so long--it's been my saving grace. I've also started a mother's legacy book- writing in it a few pages a day and it's been fun so far. Drew is also working on a father's legacy book-something we can pass along to Lanz as he grows up, etc.

So, I have this friend who isn't prego yet nor does she have kids, say, "Being prego is like a prison sentence, seriously." She was joking around and made some great points about no alcohol, coffee, sushi, etc. I had to laugh, cause in a way, I felt that before I was pregnant too and I won't lie, at times during this whole new "chapter" in my life. But something beautiful happens to your spirit along the way. I can feel my priorities start to shift/change. Dont' get me wrong, I am counting down the days till I get a full glass of wine again, oh how I miss thee---but there is something to be said about growing a life inside of you. What a miracle to feel him moving around and kicking. Everyone said it's how I would feel, but until you go through it, it's not yet your own reality.

I plan to take a belly pic next time Drew is home on May 7. I will also post some pics from the most recent baby bash, once I get them from the family. However, the rock show pics show the belly at month 7, so not too long ago. I will say though, the belly is protruding even more than it was at 7 months now at 8 months. Drew said it looks like a prostetic. LOL.

Stay tuned for more Duffy Adventures w/ Baby Lanz....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Taking time to smell the roses...

Week 1 without Drew. Some people use the phrase "you don't know what you got, till it's gone." I am not one of those people. I might be the opposite. LOL. I love my time with my husband because he's my best friend and I actually enjoy his presence. That's not to say I don't enjoy my alone time, family time or time with friends, cause I do, but I love having him in my life to share it all with. And this week, to me, with spring everywhere around me, it reminds me to smell the roses and be thankful for what I do have, not what I don't.
For starters, I have my health and my baby's health. Thank goodness! Other than normal prego things, I have had a VERY healthy pregnancy. Secondly, my husband and I both have good jobs. We've sure been through the ringer as of late (being the past year), but we have jobs in a somewhat, ok, more than somewhat, shaky economy. We have a solid marriage & friendship, for that I am grateful. I have my faith, great family and friends. All of which are extreme blessings. Drew gets to come home for the baby bash and baby classes- that is a VERY good thing. And finally, time seems to be passing faster each day- part of which I want to slow down but I also want to continue on so Drew comes home and we meet baby Lanz! I anticipate the baby's arrival more and more each day as his kicks are only getting stronger and stronger. I walk into his room (painted beautifully by my mother Cindy) and I imagine him in there now. In 8 weeks, I am going to be mom and to me, that is a wild dream! Drew and I are thrilled as we count down the days till we meet our little Lanz.
I can still smell the roses. I really can. I just really really really miss sharing it all with Drew daily. I feel his absence everywhere in this house and in my life---especially this new chapter in a brand new book I reading/going through. Thank goodness for skype!!!
:) Wendy

Friday, April 16, 2010

31 weeks- the beginning of MANY new adventures

Well, I sit in my 1 BR hotel suite in Dallas, TX just about to start working for the LA office as I begin week 31---only 9 weeks to go. Baby Lanz is kicking up a storm, as usual. Many friends have joked the little dude is gonna come out with a mowhawk and six-pack abs giving us the universal "rock out" sign with his fingers! I'm so excited as the time grows closer to meet the little guy, but I'm sad as well today as I am leaving Drew here in Dallas on /Sunday (in 2 days) and heading back to Nashville. I never imagined I would finish the end of my pregnancy sans Drew ( I will see him every other weekend till June 5), but then again, life always proves to be an adventure, one of which I am not always the travel agent of. LOL. I KNOW we will get through this, we have a lot to be thankful for (such as our jobs) and I fully believe that God never gives us anything we can't handle. But still, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of sadness/emptiness as I leave Drew. Thank goodness for skype---we can still see eachother.

I was always that person that LOVED being a kid, loved the energy of kids, but always worried about the responsibility of having kids and what I would be like as a parent, etc--but I knew I wanted them and HAD to have them. It's SUCH a big job. But, that's always how I've been. Anytime I am entering the unknown--I get what I call COLD FEET. I always jump in anyways, cause why not, but I think about everything that can/will happen- almost as a way of preparing myself so I can actually enjoy it along the way. (I will also admit to prolonging things I am scared of/nervous about---but again, I eventually go for it!) Some just wait and go through it, perhaps that's the best way. But, in my case, I feel I've heard all the talks about late nights with the baby, no sleep, lack of personal life, etc....and I feel I've dealt with it all head on emotionally and how I will handle it. Drew and I have had great talks and I am so lucky to have a REAL I finally feel all these great levels of joy flooding in---like EVERYTHING I am excited about in having kids. Like sharing this little life of Lanz w/ the man I love, reliving life as a kid in sorts (going through it all again), playing, learning, living in the moment like kids do, teaching him to ride a bike, camp, sing songs, dribble a basketball, roast marshmellows, swim, swing on swings---I really could go on and on. I imagine what he'll look like all the time- surely he will have parts of each of us and or our family. All I know is I can't WAUT to meet Lanz and I know Drew is just as thrilled as I am. We are ready to tackle our biggest adventure yet...parenthood!

More to come. Heck, it's only my first entry. :)